Template Shaker

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css Template Shaker 3.6

Template Shaker - the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) xhtml/css template generator...

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TemplateShaker is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) xhtml/css template generator.

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Using this tool is pretty simple: just click and customize the look and feel of the template on the fly, in complete WYSIWYG environment. Save the template and it is done – just open the template generated with your favorite html editor and use it for your sites. It is free of charge – both for non-commercial and commercial use. You are free to use the templates on all your sites and all your client’s sites.

This product is designed to give web designer quick and easy way to modify the look of predefined template layouts. You can change the images, backgrounds, text colors, page background etc. This initial release comes with 3 templates predefined but you can produce hundreds of templates by playing with the different customization settings. The templates which this tool generates are free to use if you keep the credits link at the bottom. (However - in case you want to remove the credits, there is commercial version available)


System Requirements:

  • Windows
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 20 MB HDD

Installation / Deinstallation:

Standard windows setup wizard - install and uninstall included