Sitemap Generator

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Sitemap Generator - history

for more info on Sitemap Generator revisions...

Sitemap Generator History

version 0.9 /2007/ - first public release


version 0.91 /2007/ - settings dialog and links manager added, outbound links and some more improvements


ver.0.92 /Jan 2008/ - small bugs fixed, robots.txt preview added


ver.0.93 /Feb 2008/ - bugfix release (better support for sub-domains)


ver.0.94 /Apr 2008/ - DOCTYPE bugfix (thanks to Hazem)


ver.0.941 / May 2009 - Serious bug fixed in the XML generator. Special characters now properly handled...


ver.0.95 / Dec 2009 - The sitemap generator tool now comes with crowler component upgraded, support for multiple start-pages, "exclude patterns" and "must-follow patterns" functionality added


.0.96 -- 22 March 2010 -- Several bugs fixed in entity parsing; the license text fixed to allow multiple installs;


.0.97 -- 20 May 2010 -- A lot of news in this version of sitemap generator -- the tool comes now with new functionality (more site map settings, option to send the program to the system tray...), ilnks extractor component updated, support for aditional attributes to the xml site map...


0.971 -- 20 May 2011 -- Some minor bugs fixed; User Agent added in Settings;


0.972 -- 7 Feb 2012 -- Time/Date format bugfix (should support different system date formats); tweaks in default settings;



0.973 -- 25 June 2012 -- Two things only: a bugfix in one of the "copy to clipboard" buttons fixed and "pause" / "resume" button added;


0.974 -- 29 November 2012 -- Save/load settings improved to save all settings (incl. the number of spiders and delay between pages); An option to ignore cache (don't cache on disk) added -- for some caching-related problems that could beat some strange "failed URL' errors;