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RTF to HTML Converter

RTF to HTML Conversion Tool...

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rtf to html converter


Use RTF to HTML Converter to convert standard RTF files to HTML code. The tool uses IE internal conversion functions and should convert any standard rich text document. Please, note that RTF to HTML converter cannot process images and other external objects, in addition - not everything prodused by Word as rtf file will be converted - for example, table background colors may be lost, or some font settings... The best way to see the result is by converting the respective RTF file and check the output HTML code


System Requirements:

  • Windows
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 1 MB HDD
  • IE 5.5 or newer


Installation / Deinstallation:

To install RTF to HTML Converter - just follow the setup procedure. You can uninstall RTF to HTML Converter at any time using the "uninstall" option.